We have finally launched our first Kickstarter!
Wargame terrain you can just stick together and use! A Robust, quick and awesome way to set up your table.
Love gaming but hate painting? Don’t have the time to put together fiddly terrain and painstakingly detail your buildings? We have the solution! Hooray!! The XLCs new range of 28mm pre-printed buildings are simple to assemble and will make your table look awesome…if we do say so ourselves!
Our terrain comes pre-printed and ready to assemble. We even include the glue. Each design is laser cut from printed 3mm MDF, all you need to do is peel off the protective backing and glue together. That’s it!
To make this product possible we have developed a technique whereby we can print onto a substrate, laminate to a 3mm MDF panel, apply a protective covering and then laser cut. This allows us to produce precision cut, printed components without scorching to any of the printed surfaces.
We have the equipment, we have the designs and we have already produced a small initial production run. What we need now is to buy in the material in bulk to enable us to supply the items at a competitive cost. If this Kickstarter is successful we plan to expand on the range with different designs and themes and eventually bring it to a wider market.
We have also decided to offer you the opportunity to suggest what our stretch goals should be so drop a message or comment and we will pick the stretch goals from the suggestions!
We need you!! Help us achieve our goal by pledging now!